Halloween is soon approaching and we are all looking forward to the fun and festivities. However, we do need to be aware of some of the hazards that can pose issues for our furry little family members.

The most common problem we see around Halloween is the family dog (or cat) getting into the chocolate candy. It is yummy so we certainly can’t blame them. While dark chocolate is by far the most dangerous for our four-legged friends, even milk chocolate in high quantities or in small pets can cause problems. Chocolate and its byproducts contain methylxanthines, theobromine, caffeine, sugars, and fat which at high enough doses can cause clinical signs ranging from agitation, increased heart rate, temperature, and blood pressure to cardiac arrhythmias, tremors, and seizures. If you suspect your pet has ingested any chocolate, it is best to check with your veterinarian or the ASPCA animal poison control center to see if the dose is of concern.

Even candy and treats that don’t contain chocolate can be hazardous to our fuzzy companions. Candy is often contained in a wrapper which, depending on the size, can cause irritation to the GI tract or even blockage. Treats high in fats or sugars can cause an upset stomach and clinical signs such as vomiting and diarrhea. They tend to be self-limiting. However, sometimes a condition called pancreatitis can develop which is much more severe. If vomiting or diarrhea persists, your pet should be seen by his or her veterinarian as only they can diagnose and manage pancreatitis. Remember to keep all those goodies out of Fluffy’s reach!

Some pets have anxiety which can be increased this time of year with a constantly ringing doorbell and trick-or-treaters. If your furry friend suffers from this condition, it is best to move her to a room in the house where she will not be exposed to all of the commotion. If the anxiety is severe, please talk with your veterinarian about a mild sedative or anti-anxiety medication.

We’re hoping everybody has a fun and safe Happy Halloween!! Don’t forget to stop by the clinic on Halloween with your pet in their costume to participate in our costume contest !!