Beautiful sunshine and long days make summer a wonderful time to spend quality time outdoors having fun with your pets.  But summer can also be dangerous because pets are at risk for such things as heat stroke, bee stings, muscle injury, sunburn, exposure to lawn chemicals, etc.  Below are lists of tips to help keep your dogs and cats safer this summer.


  • Hot temps – Heat stroke can occur even when it is not 90 degrees outside. Warm temperatures with high humidity are especially dangerous for brachycephalic breeds (pugs, bulldogs, etc).  You should limit your pet’s time outside during warm weather and limit their activity.  Dogs will push themselves too hard and kept running around and playing until they are already too hot.  Pet parents need to supervise activity and make sure they take frequent breaks, rest out of the sun and get water
  • Hot pavement – hot pavements will burn paw pads.  If the ground is too hot for you to walk on barefoot, don’t let your dog do it.  Another way to test it is to put the back of your hand on the ground, if you cannot keep it there for a minute it is probably too hot for your dog’s feet.
  • Bee and Wasp Stings – Stings can vary from a minor swelling to medical emergency depending on the location and amount of stings and if your pet has an allergic reaction.  We recommend that you keep Benadryl on hand in your house and take it with you when traveling or hiking with your dog.  Keep your dogs from sticking their noses where they don’t belong, like into a bunch of flowers or bushes and avoid leaving food or drinks outside that may attract wasps.  Call a veterinarian if your pet gets stung or you notice any facial swelling on your pet.
  • Lawn Chemicals – There are some theories in veterinary medicine that exposure to herbicides may be connected to some cancers in pets.  While there is no concrete evidence yet, we still believe it is a good idea to keep your pets away from the chemicals.  Wait at least 24 hours for treated lawns to dry before letting your pet walk on them, wash/rinse your pet’s feet after they go for walks; you never know what the neighbors have put on their lawns and we know how much pets tend to lick their paws.  Finally, make sure you are mixing products to the proper dilution and keep concentrated products out of your pets reach.
  • Hydration – Pets needs approximately 1 ounce of water per pound per day and even more if it is hot out or your pet has been very active.  Always keep a bottle of water and bowl with your for walks and outings.


  • Hot temperatures – Brachycephalic breeds such as Persians and Himalayans can be more susceptible to heat stroke just like brachycephalic dogs. Keep your kitties inside and with plenty of access to water
  •  Sunburn – Kitties such as the Sphynx breed or Devon Rex with very thin or scarce hair can get sunburns.  Does your kitty like to lay in the sun on the balcony or porch?  Just like humans, there is such a thing as too much sun, time should be limited.
  • Bee and Wasp Stings – Just like dogs, kitties are curious and may chase, swat or eat a bee or wasp which can result in allergic reactions.  If your cat does get stung, make sure to consult with your veterinarian.